Khamis, 17 Disember 2009


i feel lonely,
and the sorrow come,
keep chasing me,
push me to run,
until i lost in the darkness,
which i can't tell.
i keep running till the end,
where i found dim light,
that at last brightly shine,
and there where,
i met you,
for the first time.
you give me back the smile,
where i had thrown.
you bring back the faith,
that i had lost.
then, it's the time for you to go,
i beg you don't.
the time i had with you,
are too short.
the memoris we had,
are too little.
but if you really are,
please let me go with you.
i will never live in this world,
ever again,
without you by my side.

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