Khamis, 17 Disember 2009


i feel lonely,
and the sorrow come,
keep chasing me,
push me to run,
until i lost in the darkness,
which i can't tell.
i keep running till the end,
where i found dim light,
that at last brightly shine,
and there where,
i met you,
for the first time.
you give me back the smile,
where i had thrown.
you bring back the faith,
that i had lost.
then, it's the time for you to go,
i beg you don't.
the time i had with you,
are too short.
the memoris we had,
are too little.
but if you really are,
please let me go with you.
i will never live in this world,
ever again,
without you by my side.

Sekali Lagi Hati Itu Terluka

hati itu rapuh,
seperti kaca halus,
bila terhempas,
pernah satu ketika,
hati itu terpaut,
tapi akhirnya,
pautan itu terlepas,
menghanyutkan ia ke lautan luka,
yang penuh makhluk duka.
hati yang dahulunya penuh cinta,
nyata hanya duri,
menerbitkan rasa bengkak,
yang mengundang nanah akhirnya.
hati itu kembali pulih,
setelah ia menemukan bahagia,
yang diharap menjadi teman selamanya.
namun harapan cuma dusta,
bila sekali lagi hati itu terluka.

Isnin, 23 November 2009

Oh, Cinta

Cinta itu buta,
kata orang,
dan ia benar.
Aku sukakan cinta,
juga mereka yang bercinta.
Kadang-kadang cinta itu duka,
tapi yang manisnya,
masih ada.
Oh, cinta,
indahnya dunia,
jika dia aku yang punya.
Dan cinta,
biar milik kami berdua.
Oh, cinta,
aku bahagia,
dan jangan biar aku terluka,
kerana cinta,
buat aku melayang,
dan bermimpi cerita bahagia.

Rabu, 18 November 2009

Hey, Friend. Look It's Raining.

Friendship comes with rain,
and sometimes,
Friends are anywhere to find,
but true friend,
is just none.
Hey, friend,
look it's raining.
Let's have some,
good time,
Rain do give us,
a moment to remember,
ain't it?
It's wonderful to be with friends,
but when the rain is stop,
hope for rainbows.
Hey, friend,
look it's raining,
again and again,
and just hope,
the reminiscence,
will back.


hey, rainbow,
don't go.
you are too pretty,
to let you go.
you are beauty,
so stay.
hey, rainbow,
do you see my friend?
i've looking for her,
here and there,
she is nowhere.
hey, rainbow,
now i'm all alone,
since she's gone,
could you please stay?
hey, rainbow,
where will you go?
when i found her,
i'll not stay stay any longer.
hey, rainbow,
you are already go,
i'm not yet finding her.
hey, rainbow,hey!
don't go away,
but how many times i say,
the rainbow is still go,
and gone and she is not back.

Isnin, 9 November 2009

My Boyfriend

he's tall,
he's cute,
he's charismatic,
he's my everything.
i love him,
every single of my day,
every count of my second,
and he loves me,
as i am.
when we're apart,
i miss him,
real bad,
so do him.
each of our day is flower,
each of our meeting is sunshine.
he is my boyfriend,
and he's mine.

Mereka Tahu

mreka tahu,
atau tidak,
aku juga tidak tahu.
jika mereka thau,
kenapa buat tak tahu?
dan kalu benar tak tahu,
kenapa berlakon tahu?
aku tahu apa yang mereka tahu,
dan tahu apa yang mereka tak tahu,
mereka juga sama,
tahu apa yang aku tak tahu.
aku juga tak tahu apa yang mereka tahu dan tak tahu,
dan mereka tak tahu apa yang aku tahu dan tak tahu.
mereka tahu sebenarnya,
seperti apa yang aku tahu,
dan aku tahu apa yang patut aku tahu.
mereka juga begitu,
saling tidak tahu,
tapi mereka tahu,
ertinya tahu.

Saat Itu

hatiku sayu,
bilik itu cukup dingin,
hingga aku terketar kesejukan.
aku tak punya ilham,
apa yang sedang aku lakukan,
di bilik sejuk ini.
lebih lima kali juga,
mulutku terkuak besar,
persis sang badak.
di hadapanku,
ada helaian kertas,
juga batang-batang pen,
aneka warnanya,
biru, putih, ungu hitam dan jingga.
aku masih keliru dengan perbuatanku.
sambil itu mencari jalan,
mennyelesaikan masalah,
yang bila cukup masa,
kadang-kadang batang pen yang aku pegang itu,
dibaling dan kadang aku pungut kembali.
masa sudah ahmpir tamat,
yang cuma aku mampu,
lakukan apa yang aku tahu,
dan bila masa itu sampai,
aku hany pasrah dan berdoa,
kelakuanku itu benar,
dan ganjarannya besar.

Was being created when i was taking my Internet Programming Final. To my beloved lecturer, Sir Azmi Aminordin, i'm so sorry for not doing it right because ASP is kind of hard for me.

Ahad, 1 November 2009


i feel,
no love,
no hate,
no life.
people come and go,
and some,
gone forever.
all the feeling,
that i should've feel,
is no longer,
within myself.
i'm alone,
working on my own life,
walking on my own path,
believe in my own fate.
i'm heartless now,
and i'm ready,
to fly.

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009


if today is the last day of your life....,
what would you do???
if today is the last day of the world...,
what would you say???
if she left you right now....,
why should you stay???
and if he got somebody...,
should you cry for wrong???
if my life is a book...,
i will write my own story...,
and if others is mine...,
i will make it happy...,
if the story is changed...,
become bitter and sad...,
i will erase it..,
and write a new story...,
if every of my wish is true...,
then none of them is a lie...,
if each of my dreams is reality...,
then no life is genuine....,
if and only if the world has no if....,
it follows that people got no worries....,

Ahad, 11 Oktober 2009

Dan Bila Takdir Mula Menulis

Dan bila takdir mula menulis..,

Mengatur hidup manusia…,

Kadang-kadang terjadi yang tak disangka….,

Dan bila takdir mula menulis…,

Baru manusia sedar..,

Yang dunia ada pemiliknya..,

Ada pengaturnya…,

Dan bila takdir mula menulis…,

Menulis apa yang diperintah pemiliknya…,

Manusia hanya mampu menerima…,

Dengan tabah dan redha..,

Kerana bila takdir mula menulis….,

Hanya Dia yang tahu disebalik itu…,

Dan bila takdir mula menulis…,

Tulisan itu tidak dipadam..,

Kekal jadi memori..,

Kekal dalam sanubari…,

Hanya Dia yang mampu mengubahnya…,

Apabila takdir mula menulis…,

Jalan cerita manusia….,

Moga episodnya bahagia…,

Dan jika episod itu bertukar derita….,

Hanya pada-Nya kita meminta…,

Dan bila takdir itu menulis…,

Ia akan terus menulis…,

Takkan berhenti..,

Biar ada epilog duka…,

Kerana dunia bukan hanya suka….,

Specially dedicated to one of my best friends, Mohamad Hafiz b. Azmi, and i pray the best for him to be better soon....,

Rabu, 30 September 2009

chenta is cinta

chenta is cinta,
walau ejaan berbeza.
chenta is cinta,
walau sebutan sikit tak sama.
biar apa pun ejaan dan sebutan,
chenta tetap cinta.
biar kadang ia menipu,
biar kadang ia selingkuh,
biar kadang ia pedih.
chenta itu cinta,
biar buta tak bermata,
tetap bisa menggegar dunia.
chenta masih cinta,
kala sukar dijangka,
ketika manusia asyik dengannya.
chenta is cinta,
dan biar ia tetap mencinta,
dan biar manusia berchenta.

i just wanna write

whats wrong with the world,
when they don't allow you,
to tell them what you feel.
i just wanna write,
just wanna make them know,
how i feel of this life,
why they have to talk about me.
i just wanna write,
to bring peace to life.
i just wanna write,
to tell what is wrong,
what is right,
even when people disagree.
i'm writing for myself,
not for anyone else,
not for the money,
not to be known.
i just wanna write,
with this keyboard,
even when world,
is hopelessly devoted to you.

Ahad, 13 September 2009

Sabtu, 5 September 2009

There’s been so long…,

Since I know the word…,


I almost forget it…,


You came…,

You are my sunshine…,

That bright my day…,

My life and…,

My love…,

Make me smile…,

Don’t stop…,

You fill my world…,

And I feel like…,

Today will never end…,

Being with you…,

Can only give me…,


Where I know nothing…,

But that…,

Make me smile, dear…,


And ever…,

Let it immortal…,

Even when I die…,

Let me die…,


You make me smile….,

Keretaku itu…,

Pernah satu masa dulu…,

Membawa cintaku…,

Ke semua tempat bahagia…,

Keretaku itu…,

Masih di situ…,

Tidak lagi berfungsi…,

Sejak cinta itu hilang…,


Aku juga tak tahu…,

Dan aku tak mahu tahu…,

Jiwaku kosong…,

Dipalit rasa pahit…,

Yang akhirnya menjadikan aku…,

Manusia tak berhati…,

Keretaku itu..,

Tidak berdosa…,

Tapi dek kerana…,

Tempias cinta yang entah ke mana…,

Ia dibiar begitu…,

Aku atau cinta yang bersalah?

Keretaku itu…,

Hanya menuggu…,

Cinta yang satu…,

Untuk membawanya pergi…,

Dan terus tinggalkan dunia…,

Yang bagiku…,

Hanya dusta…,

Isnin, 31 Ogos 2009

The Orange Nyonya Kebaya

everytime i see the orange nyonya kebaya,
i see her reflect in my eyes.
she's gone now,
and forever.
the orange nyonya kebaya,
are kept neatly,
in my closet,
as my precious thing ever.
i touch the orange nyonya kebaya,
and the tear come from nowhere.
the orange nyonya kebaya,
that i valued the most,
was hers,
and now mine.
i couldnt forget her,
even she's not here,
she's always in my mind,
with this orange nyonya kebaya.

Specially dedicated to my late grandmother, Shamsiah@Hamsah that passed away last year 2 days after my birthday in the same hospital where i was born.

Sabtu, 29 Ogos 2009

100 Roses

that 100 roses,
that i received last night,
has dry.
i cried the whole day,
thinking what would you say.
i wait for you,
to come,
to let you now,
but still,
there's no you,
in front of me.
i keep waiting,
days to weeks,
months to years.
you still didnt come,
and see me.
that 100 roses,
had already gone,
together with you.
i wonder where are you dear,
i ask myself for the answer.
at last i know,
that 100 roses,
is a goodbye gift,
that you give me,
for you to gone forever.

Kalau Benar Cinta Itu Ada

kalau benar cinta itu ada,
kenapa kadang-kadang dia datang,
kadang-kadang dia pergi,
hingga kadang-kadang,
aku tak mengerti.
kalau benar cinta itu ada,
kenapa mesti mereka menangis?
kenapa mesti mereka bersedih?
kenapa mesti mereka kecewa?
bukan aku tak percaya cinta itu ada,
aku cuma mencari benarnya.
dan jika benar cinta itu ada,
biarkan ia membahagiakan dunia.
tapi kata orang,
cinta itu buta.
mana mungkin cinta mempunyai mata?
bukan cinta itu ada dalam hati?
tidak berfizikal, tidak juga berakal.
kalau benar cinta itu ada,
beritahu dunia,
yang cinta itu sebenarnya,
milik semua.

Khamis, 6 Ogos 2009

July 19, 2009

Good Night, Dear.

hey, dear...,
the night was so calm,
so breezy,
so easy,
hey, dear...,
look at the starry sky,
look at the shining moon,
look at them in the darkest night,
hey, dear...,
you are not here,
not there,
not anywhere,
i'm missing you,
like you are far,
thinking of you,
always in my head,
hey, dear..,
could you understand me?
would you understand me?
should you understand me?
hey, dear...,
if you ever love me,
if you ever like me,
just let me know,
coz living in this world,
without knowing your feeling,
is such a pain that i could never can bear.

Andai Takdir Itu Aku Yang Cipta

Andai takdir itu aku yang cipta,
akan aku jadikan dunia ini,
milik aku dan si dia,
andai takdir itu aku yang cipta,
akan aku jadikan semua impian,
tertunai akhirnya,
andai takdir itu aku yang cipta,
akan aku jadikan setiap umat bumi ini,
berbahagia sampai bila-bila,
bukan aku penciptanya,
bukan aku milikinya,
aku juga seorang yang takdirnya,
belum lagi diketahui,
belum lagi dieksplorasi,
takdir itu bukan aku yang cipta,
tapi akan aku jadikan takdir itu,
satu penentu,
yang aku akhirnya menjadi aku.

July 18, 2009

kala cinta itu berbohong,
aku percaya cinta itu benar,
aku percaya cinta itu wujud,
aku percaya cinta itu tulus,
kala cinta itu berbohong,
aku tahu ianya perit,
aku tahu ianya sakit,
aku tahu ianya racun,
bisa membinasakan manusia,
kala cinta itu berbohong,
aku masih merindu,
aku masih menunggu,
aku masih mencinta,
kala cinta itu berbohong,
aku mahu mengerti,
aku mahu mengasihi,
aku mahu merasai,
biar cinta itu berbohong,
biar cinta itu berdusta,
biar cinta itu menipu,
namun masih aku meronta,
mengharap yang semua itu,
tidak benar,
bira kala cinta itu berbohong,
namun masih aku disini,
mencari erti sebenar cinta.

My Name Is Art

I walk alone,
On the alley of the shadows,
and people look at me,
like i'm a complete stranger,
but they didn't even know me,
don't judge a book by its cover,
and making up stories about me,
but none is true,
my name is art,
i live my own life,
walk on my own path,
too complicated to undesrstand,
too complex to say,
time keep moving on,
and i still there,
still be me,
people keep talking about me,
but they no nothing,
my name is art,
and art is life.

Dearie, people....,

I'm writing this blog not to be popular.., not to be known..., not be wealth..., i'm writing this blog because of my sense of art..., thanks to suffiah hakikin, nurul amira, my beloved parents, abah and mak, roommate, nur shahira and nur syuhada hidayah and dear guys who appreciate art...., thanks to all of you that now i'm writing my blog just to make art more beautiful..., just read and enjoy all the thing that i might write..., and art is more than what you can imagine....,
